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Combine - Strings

Merges an arbitrary number of strings into one string.

Name Data type Description
Inputs String List List of String The string values to merge into one string.
Outputs Result String The result of the merge.

Convert - Binary To Integer

Converts a list of boolean values to an integer value.

Name Data type Description
Inputs Boolean Values List of Boolean List of boolean values from Least Significant Bit (LSB) as first element to Most Significant Bit (MSB) as last element.
Outputs Integer Value Integer The resulting integer value.

Convert - Boolean To String

Converts a boolean to string.

Name Data type Description
Inputs Value Boolean The boolean to convert into a string.
Outputs Text String The resulting string.

Convert - Float To String

Converts a float number to string.

Name Data type Description
Inputs Number Float The float number to convert into a string.
Outputs Text String The resulting string.

Convert - Float To Acceleration

Converts a float number to an acceleration value with unit.

Name Data type Description
Inputs Float Number Float The float number to convert into an acceleration value.
Acceleration Unit Select The acceleration unit for the acceleration value. Available are % and M/S^2.
Outputs Acceleration Value Acceleration The resulting acceleration.

Convert - Float To Blending

Converts a float number to a blending value with unit.

Name Data type Description
Inputs Float Number Float The float number to convert into a blending value.
Blending Unit Select The blending unit for the blending value. Available are % and M.
Outputs Blending Value Blending The resulting blending.

Convert - Float To Integer

Converts a float number to an integer.

Name Data type Description
Inputs Value Float The float number to convert into an integer.
Outputs Cast Result Integer The resulting integer.

Convert - Float To Speed

Converts a float number to a speed value with unit.

Name Data type Description
Inputs Float Number Float The float number to convert into a speed value.
Speed Unit Select The speed unit for the speed value. Available are M/S, DEG/S and %.
Outputs Speed Value Speed The resulting speed.

Convert - Integer To String

Converts an integer number to string.

Name Data type Description
Inputs Number Integer The integer number to convert into a string.
Outputs Text String The resulting string.

Convert - Integer To Float

Converts an integer number to float.

Name Data type Description
Inputs Number Integer The integer number to convert into a float.
Outputs Cast Result Float The resulting float.

Convert - String to Boolean

Casts a string variable to a boolean.

Name Data type Description
Inputs Value String The string value to cast into boolean. The input string is case insensitive. The strings true, on, high, active, enabled and closed are converted to True. The strings false, off, low, inactive, disabled and open are converted to False. For other values an exception is thrown.
Outputs Cast Result Boolean The result of the type casting.
Exceptions E_CAST - The exception is raised, if the string can not be converted to a boolean.

Convert - String to Float

Casts a string variable to an integer.

Name Data type Description
Inputs Value String The string value to cast into integer.
Outputs Cast Result Integer The result of the type casting.
Exceptions E_CAST - The exception is raised, if the string can not be converted to a float.

Convert - String to Integer

Casts a string variable to an integer.

Name Data type Description
Inputs Value String The string value to cast into integer.
Outputs Cast Result Integer The result of the type casting.
Exceptions E_CAST - The exception is raised, if the string can not be converted to an integer.

Get Timestamp

Returns the current UNIX timestamp, which is seconds since January 1st, 1970 at UTC.

Name Data type Description
Inputs -
Outputs Timestamp Float The current system timestamp.

Joints Transformation

Adds an offset to a given joint state.

Name Data type Description
Inputs Origin Joints The original joints state.
Offset Joints The offset joints state.
Outputs Result Joints The resulting joints state.


Performs a basic logic operation on two boolean values. The operations are: AND, OR and XOR.

Name Data type Description
Inputs Operand 1 Boolean The first operand of the operation.
Operation Select The chosen logic operation. Available are AND, OR and XOR.
Operand 2 Boolean The second operand of the operation.
Outputs Result Boolean The result of the operation.

Logic Bitwise

Performs basic logic bitwise operations on two integers. The operations are: AND, OR and XOR. Returns the result as boolean and as integer value.

Name Data type Description
Inputs Operand 1 Integer The first operand of the operation.
Operation Select The chosen bitwise logic operation.
AND will return true if at least one bit is set in both values.
OR will return true if at least one bit is set in any of both values.
XOR will return true if all respective bits from both values are unequal and false if any of respective bits from both values are equal.
Operand 2 Integer The second operand of the operation.
Outputs Boolean Result Boolean The boolean result of the operation.
Integer Result Integer The integer result of the operation.

Math - Float

Performs a basic arithmetic operation on two float values. The operations are: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Modulo and Exponent.

Name Data type Description
Inputs Operand 1 Float The first operand of the operation.
Operation Select The chosen arithmetic operation. Available are +, -, *, /, modulo and ^.
Operand 2 Float The second operand of the operation.
Outputs Result Float The result of the operation.
Exceptions DIVISION_BY_ZERO - The exception is raised, if a division by zero is attempted.

Math - Integer

Performs a basic arithmetic operation on two integer values. The operations are: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Modulo and Exponent.

Name Data type Description
Inputs Operand 1 Integer The first operand of the operation.
Operation Select The chosen arithmetic operation. Available are +, -, *, /, modulo and ^.
Operand 2 Integer The second operand of the operation.
Outputs Result Integer The result of the operation.
Exceptions DIVISION_BY_ZERO - The exception is raised, if a division by zero is attempted.

Pose Checker - Box - Absolute

Checks, whether a given position is inside a defined simple box. The faces of the simple box are orientated along the worlds coordinate systems main axes. All faces of the box have to be defined.

Name Data type Description
Inputs Position Position The position to check.
X min float Position of the box face facing towards the negative x axis of the world coordinate system in meters.
X max float Position of the box face facing towards the positive x axis of the world coordinate system in meters.
Y min float Position of the box face facing towards the negative y axis of the world coordinate system in meters.
Y max float Position of the box face facing towards the positive y axis of the world coordinate system in meters.
Z min float Position of the box face facing towards the negative z axis of the world coordinate system in meters.
Z max float Position of the box face facing towards the positive z axis of the world coordinate system in meters.
Outputs Success Boolean True, if the given position is inside the defined box. False otherwise.

Pose Checker - Box - Relative

Checks, whether a given position is inside a defined simple box. The faces of the simple box are orientated along the worlds coordinate systems main axes. All faces of the box have to be defined by stating a reference point for the box and a distance for each direction.

Name Data type Description
Inputs Position Position The position to check.
Box Position Offset: X float Offset of the box in x axis of the world coordinate system in meters.
Box Position Offset: Y float Offset of the box in y axis of the world coordinate system in meters.
Box Position Offset: Z float Offset of the box in z axis of the world coordinate system in meters.
Box Dimension Negative Direction: X float Position of the box face relative to the offset facing towards the negative x axis of the world coordinate system in meters.
Box Dimension Negative Direction: Y float Position of the box face relative to the offset facing towards the negative y axis of the world coordinate system in meters.
Box Dimension Negative Direction: Z float Position of the box face relative to the offset facing towards the negative z axis of the world coordinate system in meters.
Box Dimension Positive Direction: X float Position of the box face relative to the offset facing towards the positive x axis of the world coordinate system in meters.
Box Dimension Positive Direction: Y float Position of the box face relative to the offset facing towards the positive y axis of the world coordinate system in meters.
Box Dimension Positive Direction: Z float Position of the box face relative to the offset facing towards the positive z axis of the world coordinate system in meters.
Outputs Success Boolean True, if the given position is inside the defined box. False otherwise.

Pose Checker - Box - Complex

Checks, whether a given position is inside a defined box. The faces of the simple box are along the boxes coordinate axes. All faces of the box have to be defined by stating a reference pose for the box and a distance for each direction.

Name Data type Description
Inputs Position Position The position to check.
Box Pose Pose Offset pose of the box.
Box Dimension Negative Direction: X Float Position of the box face relative to the offset facing towards the negative x axis of the box coordinate system in meters.
Box Dimension Negative Direction: Y Float Position of the box face relative to the offset facing towards the negative y axis of the box coordinate system in meters.
Box Dimension Negative Direction: Z Float Position of the box face relative to the offset facing towards the negative z axis of the box coordinate system in meters.
Box Dimension Positive Direction: X Float Position of the box face relative to the offset facing towards the positive x axis of the box coordinate system in meters.
Box Dimension Positive Direction: Y Float Position of the box face relative to the offset facing towards the positive y axis of the box coordinate system in meters.
Box Dimension Positive Direction: Z Float Position of the box face relative to the offset facing towards the positive z axis of the box coordinate system in meters.
Outputs Success Boolean True, if the given position is inside the defined box. False otherwise.

Pose Transformation

Transforms an offset to a given pose.

Name Data type Description
Inputs Origin Pose Pose The origin pose.
Offset Pose Pose The offset pose.
Difference Boolean If true, the difference between the two poses is calculated: result = origin - offset in 3D.
If false, the offset pose is appended to the origin pose: result = origin + offset in 3D.
Outputs Result Pose Pose The calculated transformation pose.