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Control & Logic


Applies logic AND to two boolean input parameters.

Name Data type Description
Inputs Value 1 Boolean First boolean value.
Value 2 Boolean Second boolean value.
Outputs Result Integer Result of the logic operation.

Compare - Boolean

Compares two boolean values.

Name Data type Description
Inputs Operand 1 Boolean The first operand of the comparison.
Condition Select Select to test whether two variables are equal or unequal. Available are == and !=.
Operand 2 Boolean The second operand of the comparison.
Outputs Result Boolean The result of the comparison.

Compare - Float

Compares two float values.

Name Data type Description
Inputs Operand 1 Float The first operand of the comparison.
Condition Select Select one of the comparators. Available are: ==, !=, <, >, <=, >=
Operand 2 Float The second operand of the comparison.
Outputs Result Boolean The result of the comparison.

Compare - Integer

Compares two integer values.

Name Data type Description
Inputs Operand 1 Integer The first operand of the comparison.
Condition Select Select one of the comparators. Available are: ==, !=, <, >, <=, >=
Operand 2 Integer The second operand of the comparison.
Outputs Result Boolean The result of the comparison.

Compare - String

Compares two string values.

Name Data type Description
Inputs Operand 1 String The first operand of the comparison.
Condition Select Select one of the comparators. Available are: ==, !=, <, >, <=, >=
Operand 2 String The second operand of the comparison.
Outputs Result Boolean The result of the comparison.

Compare - Joints

Compares two joints states to be equal up to a given limit.

Name Data type Description
Joints 1 Joints Angles of the first joints state in degrees.
Joints 2 Joints Angles of the second joints state in degrees.
Allowed Joint Error Float The maximum allowed difference between two respective joint angles in degrees.
Ignore Joints 4-6 Boolean If set, joints 4, 5 and 6 are ignored for comparation.
Outputs Success Boolean True, if all tested differences of respective joints are within the allowed joint error. False otherwise.

Compare - Pose

Compares two poses to be equal up to a given limit.

Name Data type Description
Pose 1 Pose The first pose to compare.
Pose 2 Pose The second pose to compare.
Compare Position Boolean If set, the translational offset is used for the result.
Compare Orientation Boolean If set, the rotational offset is used for the result.
Maximum Translation Distance Float The maximum allowed translational difference between the two positions in meters.
Maximum Rotation Distance Float The maximum allowed rotational difference between the two orientations in meters.
Outputs Success Boolean True, if the translational and/or (depending on the given setting) rotational distance are within the given limits. False otherwise.
Translation Distance Float The calculated translational offset between both poses.
Rotational Distance Float The calculated rotational offset between both poses (angle shortest path).


Depending on a boolean value either the 'Then' or the 'Else' section is executed. A true input value will result in the execution of the 'Then' section of this function block. Otherwise the 'Else' section is executed.

Name Data type Description
Inputs Boolean Condition If true, is the 'Then' section executed, if false, is the 'Else' section executed.
Outputs -

Loop Do While

Executes the contents of the function block at least once. After the initial loop the contents are repeated as long as the condition applies.

Name Data type Description
Inputs Boolean Condition While true, is the content of the block repeatedly executed.
Outputs -

Loop For

Repeats the contents of the function block until the given amount of cycles is reached.

Name Data type Description
Inputs Boolean Turns The number of times the content of the block is executed.
Outputs -


Inverts a boolean value.

Name Data type Description
Inputs Input Boolean The boolean value to invert.
Outputs Result Boolean The inversion result.


Applies logic OR to two boolean parameters.

Name Data type Description
Inputs Value 1 Boolean First boolean value.
Value 2 Boolean Second boolean value.
Outputs Result Boolean Result of the logic operation.


Allows two program parts to be executed at the same time. The block is left when both parts are finished. It will wait for the slower block before continuing. It is not possible to have movement function blocks in more than one branch.

Name Data type Description
Inputs -
Outputs -

Switch Case - Direct Input

Executes one of multiple program branches depending on the given input 'Branch Index'. Select index 0 to execute the first program branch.

Name Data type Description
Inputs Branch Index Integer Index of the branch which will be executed.
Outputs -

Switch Case - Match String

Executes one of multiple program branches depending on the given string input. The string input is compared against 'Match Strings'. If a 'Match String' is identical to the input string then its linked branch is executed. If multiple 'Match Strings' are matching to the input string then only the first linked branch is executed.

Name Data type Description
Inputs String Match Input String This string input is compared against the 'Match Strings' of the cases to select one branch to execute.
Default Branch Integer If no 'Match String' of the Cases matches the 'String Match Input', then the branch with the here given index is executed; the first case has index 0, and so on.
Match String String String that has to match to the input string to execute the branch noted in the case.
Select Branch Integer Index of the branch to execute when the case is selected.
Outputs -