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Markers - Show Pose

Shows a coordinate cross at a specified pose with standard coloring with red for x-axis, green for y-axis and blue for z-axis.

Name Data type Description
Inputs ID String Unique ID to identify the marker among all other markers.
Pose Pose The pose the marker shall be shown for.
Outputs -

Markers - Show Box - Absolute

Shows a simple box by stating the box faces in absolute coordinates.

Name Data type Description
Inputs ID String Unique ID to identify the marker among all other markers.
X min Float Position of the box face facing towards the negative x axis of the world coordinate system in meters.
X max Float Position of the box face facing towards the positive x axis of the world coordinate system in meters.
Y min Float Position of the box face facing towards the negative y axis of the world coordinate system in meters.
Y max Float Position of the box face facing towards the positive y axis of the world coordinate system in meters.
Z min Float Position of the box face facing towards the negative z axis of the world coordinate system in meters.
Z max Float Position of the box face facing towards the positive z axis of the world coordinate system in meters.
Color: Red Integer Red part of the box color in range 0 to 255.
Color: Green Integer Green part of the box color in range 0 to 255.
Color: Blue Integer Blue part of the box color in range 0 to 255.
Color: Alpha Float Alpha part of the box color in range 0 to 1. A value of 0 indicates full transparency, while a value of 1 indicates full opaqueness.
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Markers - Show Box - Relative

Shows a simple box marker by stating an offset point and the box faces relative to it.

Name Data type Description
Inputs ID String Unique ID to identify the marker among all other markers.
Simple Box Box Position Offset: X Float Offset of the box in x axis of the world coordinate system in meters.
Simple Box Box Position Offset: Y Float Offset of the box in y axis of the world coordinate system in meters.
Simple Box Box Position Offset: Z Float Offset of the box in z axis of the world coordinate system in meters.
Box Dimension Negative Direction: X Float Position of the box face relative to the offset facing towards the negative x axis of the world coordinate system in meters.
Box Dimension Negative Direction: Y Float Position of the box face relative to the offset facing towards the negative y axis of the world coordinate system in meters.
Box Dimension Negative Direction: Z Float Position of the box face relative to the offset facing towards the negative z axis of the world coordinate system in meters.
Box Dimension Positive Direction: X Float Position of the box face relative to the offset facing towards the positive x axis of the world coordinate system in meters.
Box Dimension Positive Direction: Y Float Position of the box face relative to the offset facing towards the positive y axis of the world coordinate system in meters.
Box Dimension Positive Direction: Z Float Position of the box face relative to the offset facing towards the positive z axis of the world coordinate system in meters.
Color: Red Integer Red part of the box color in range 0 to 255.
Color: Green Integer Green part of the box color in range 0 to 255.
Color: Blue Integer Blue part of the box color in range 0 to 255.
Color: Alpha Float Alpha part of the box color in range 0 to 1. A value of 0 indicates full transparency, while a value of 1 indicates full opaqueness.
Outputs -

Markers - Show Box - Complex

Shows a box marker by stating an offset pose and the box faces relative to it.

Name Data type Description
Inputs ID String Unique ID to identify the marker among all other markers.
Box Pose Pose Offset pose of the box.
Box Dimension Negative Direction: X Float Position of the box face relative to the offset facing towards the negative x axis of the box coordinate system in meters.
Box Dimension Negative Direction: Y Float Position of the box face relative to the offset facing towards the negative y axis of the box coordinate system in meters.
Box Dimension Negative Direction: Z Float Position of the box face relative to the offset facing towards the negative z axis of the box coordinate system in meters.
Box Dimension Positive Direction: X Float Position of the box face relative to the offset facing towards the positive x axis of the box coordinate system in meters.
Box Dimension Positive Direction: Y Float Position of the box face relative to the offset facing towards the positive y axis of the box coordinate system in meters.
Box Dimension Positive Direction: Z Float Position of the box face relative to the offset facing towards the positive z axis of the box coordinate system in meters.
Color: Red Integer Red part of the box color in range 0 to 255.
Color: Green Integer Green part of the box color in range 0 to 255.
Color: Blue Integer Blue part of the box color in range 0 to 255.
Color: Alpha Float Alpha part of the box color in range 0 to 1. A value of 0 indicates full transparency, while a value of 1 indicates full opaqueness.
Outputs -

Markers - Delete Marker

Removes a previously created marker.

Name Data type Description
Inputs ID String Unique ID to identify the marker to delete.
Marker Type String Select the type of the marker to delete. If not matching to the marker id the marker might not be deleted correctly.
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