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KRC4/KRC5 Driver Installation

Driver Installation: Controller-Side


  • The KUKA.RobotSensorInterface software package must installed in the robot controller. This package has an extra cost so that it has to be bought from KUKA robot manufacturer. Please follow the installation instructions received within the software package. The oldest known drag&bot compatible version is 3.1.6. For older versions please contact us directly.
  • You must log in as an Expert or Administrator to make the required configuration, in this document. Your log in can expire after a time or when you change to automatic operation mode. In this case you need to log in again to continue the robot configuration.
  • PC Connected to the KUKA Controller Ethernet connection labelled X66 in KRC4 or XF5 in KRC5 micro.
  • The PC is the UDP server and the Robot is the client, therefore you should configure the PC IP to be unless it's changed in the dnb_rsi.xml file.
  • The RSI port number should be 49152 unless it's changed in the dnb_rsi.xml file.
  • If you need to change the RSI port number or the RSI Server IP number (PC IP number), then please change it in the dnb_rsi.xml file before uploading it into the controller. More details can be found here


The required controller files can be downloaded from here: Downloads

Log in as Expert

  1. Robot-Icon on the top left side of the HMI screen, then Configuration and User Group.
    login01 Image

  2. Expert then enter the password (please contact with KUKA if unknown) and Log on.
    login01 Image

Minimize HMI and access to windows OS


  • Robot in T1 mode.
  1. Robot-Icon on the top left side of the HMI screen, then Start-up and Service then Minimize HMI.
    minhmi Image Now the window OS screen will be shown.

RSI Configuration (Version 3 and below )

Therefore you need to connect to the KUKA via mouse and keyboard. You can help yourself using a USB-Hub.

  1. Open the windows start menu and search for rsi , then RSI-Network.
    rsi01 Image

  2. Under "RSI-Ethernet" New then Edit.
    rsi02 Image

  3. Enter RSI IP then OK. Now KUKA HMI-Iconin the windows taskbar to go back into the HMI screen. Please note that the robot IP should be in the same IP range of the PC. If you plan to use another IP for the PC rather than then use a different robot IP in the same range.
    rsi03 Image

  4. Robot-Icon on the top left side of the HMI screen, then Start-up and Network configuration.
    rsi04 Image

  5. Advanced.
    rsi05 Image

  6. Under "virtualx (RSI)" select the first "Receiving task" and under Reception filter: select "Target IP address".
    rsi06 Image

  7. Select the second "Receiving task" and under Reception filter: select "Target subnet" then Save.
    rsi07 Image


  • A warning message that asking you to restart the controller in order for the new network configuration to take place will be shown, please click on ok and don't restart the Controller (it will be restated after the whole installation).

RSI Configuration (Version 4 & 5)

  1. Robot-Icon on the top left side of the HMI screen, then Start-up and Network configuration.
    rsi04 Image

  2. Advanced.
    rsi05 Image

  3. Click on "virtual6(ethernetrsi)" (If not exists, please add it by clicking on add interface on the down part of the teach pendant) and set the "address type" as "mixed IP address", set the "IP address" as "", set the "subnet mask" as "" ensure the other parameters match the picture below. The robot IP should be in the same IP range of the PC, if you plan to use another IP for the PC rather than then please use different robot IP in the same range.
    rsi03a Image

  4. Under "virtual6(ethernetrsi)" select the first "Receiving task" and under Reception filter: select "Target subnet".
    rsi06 Image

  5. Select the second "Receiving task" and under Reception filter: select "UDP" then Save.
    rsi07 Image


  • A warning message that asking you to restart the controller in order for the new network configuration to take place will be shown, please click on ok and don't restart the Controller (it will be restated after the whole installation).

Drag and Bot Driver Installation


  • You should be logged in as an Expert or Administrator in order to see and access the USB flash drive.


  • The RSI communication use port number '49152' by default, if you wish to use another port then please change the port number in the file dnb_rsi.xml before you upload it to the controller.
    installation04a Image
  1. Transfer the Drag and Bot Files into a USB flash drive, then connect the it to the KRC4/KRC5 USB port (Don't use the USB port in the back of the HMI).
    011 Image

  2. In the Navigation window, navigate to the Drag and Bot files on the USB flash drive, then select dnb_rsi.dat and dnb_rsi.src files then Edit and Copy.
    installation02 Image

  3. In the Navigation window open the Program folder under the path KRC:\ -> R1 -> Program and create a new folder by Edit then New, give the new folder the name dnb .
    installation01 Image

  4. Open the dnb folder, Edit then Paste. Now the dnb_rsi.dat and dnb_rsi.src files will be copied into the dnb folder.
    installation03 Image

  5. Minimize the HMI to access the windows OS. Click here to see how.

  6. From the windows start menu Computer.
    installation04 Image

  7. Navigate to the Drag and Bot files on the USB flash drive, select and copy the dnb_rsi.rsi (dnb_rsi.rsix in case of RSI ver. 4), dnb_rsi.rsi.diagram, dnb_rsi.rsi.xml, and dnb_rsi.xml files.
    installation05 Image

  8. Navigate to the path C:\KRC\ROBOTER\Config\User\Common\SensorInterface and paste the 4 files there. Now KUKA HMI icon in the windows taskbar to go back into the HMI screen
    installation06 Image

Controller Restart

  1. Robot-Icon on the top left side of the HMI screen then Shutdown.
    restart Image

  2. Cold Start and Reload files (if it's requested when you saved the IP configuration) then Reboot Control PC". Now wait till the Controller restarted.
    restart01 Image

Now the robot controller side installation is finished. You can continue with the tutorial KRC4/KRC5 Running.