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The following examples are for the robot simulator.

Machine positions

To be able to work with the CNC machine of the robot simulator you can e.g. create Quick Access Poses in front of the machine and in the machine.

Position robot in Front of the CNC Machine

name: "Pre Machine"
    - position:
        x: 0.47
        y: 0.33
        z: 0.69
        rz: -2.5185
        ry: 0
        rx: 3.1415
image: "preMachine.png"
Download and extract the files into your ~/.dnb/quick_access_poses/ directory to work with this example. Download Tar

Position robot in the CNC machine

To move to the "In Machine" pose it is required to be at the "Pre Machine" pose. Therefore a precondition is set. If the precondition set is equal to another Quick Access Pose it's always good to write this dependency in the tooltip.

name: "In Machine"
    - position:
        x: 0.6474
        y: 0.4626
        z: 0.5387
        rz: -2.5185
        ry: 0
        rx: 3.1415
    x: 0.47
    y: 0.33
    z: 0.69
    rz: -2.5185
    ry: 0
    rx: 3.1415
image: "inMachine.png"
tooltip: "Robot needs to be in 'Pre Machine' pose to move here"
Download and extract the files into your ~/.dnb/quick_access_poses/ directory to work with this example. Download Tar