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Tool Manager


The tool manager is a drag&bot functionality for creating, modifying and selecting attached robot tools. This page shows how you can set a new tool and activate it.

Robot tools are configured as a named transformation between robot flange frame and the tool tip. This transformation can be saved, modified or deleted through the Tool Manager. The transformation is defined as standard robot frame:

  • Translation in X, Y, Z (m)
  • Rotation as Intrinsic Euler ZYX format (in radians): this means that first the rotation is applied in Z, then rotation in Y at the new Y position, and then rotation in X at the new position.

Overview of tools

  1. Open the Robot Systems.
  2. Select Edit on the robotsystem.
  3. Select Open Tool Manager.
  4. You will see an overview of all created tools.

Create a new tool

  1. Select Add a Tool-Centerpoint on the lower right.
  2. Enter the tool name.
  3. Enter the tool transformation.
  4. Select Create to add the tool to the list.
  5. Select Select to switch the current TCP.

Change the TCP in a program

  1. Add a Change Robot TCP function block.
  2. Select Set Parameter on the added function block.
  3. Enter your added tool e.g. 'screwdriver'.
  4. Run the program.