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Digital I/O Device Gripper - Usage

The Digital I/O Device Gripper component generically supports most common types of I/O grippers. The gripper controlling wires are connected directly to the robot controllers digital I/O pins. These I/O pins are then actuated or read by the Digital I/O Device Gripper component.


The older Digital I/O Gripper component can be used in the same way as the Digital I/O Device Gripper component. The components differ just in definition of the I/O pins.


To use the Digital I/O Gripper component the following function blocks are provided. Each function block takes the Gripper ID as input parameter. This has to be the same as defined in the Component Manager.

I/O Gripper - Open

Opens the respective I/O gripper.

Name Data type Description
Inputs Gripper ID String The id defined in the Component Manager for the gripper.
Acknowledgement Mode Select Selects the mode of acknowledgement, which is used after the output is set. Available options are: No Acknowledgement, Await Opened, Await Opened or Gripped, Await Opened or Released. The I/O pins of the respective functionalities have to be defined in the Component Manager. Otherwise an ERROR_NO_PIN_DEFINED exception is raised.
Detect Part Boolean If set to True a NO_WORKPIECE exception is thrown when no part was detected after opening the gripper. If set, it requires the Digital Input - Gripped or Digital Input - Not Gripped pin to be defined or an ERROR_NO_PIN_DEFINED exception is thrown.
Outputs -

I/O Gripper - Close

Closes the respective I/O gripper.

Name Data type Description
Inputs Gripper ID String The id defined in the Component Manager for the gripper.
Acknowledgement Mode Select Selects the mode of acknowledgement, which is used after the output is set. Available options are: No Acknowledgement, Await Closed, Await Closed or Gripped, Await Closed or Released. The I/O pins of the respective functionalities have to be defined in the Component Manager. Otherwise an ERROR_NO_PIN_DEFINED exception is raised.
Detect Part Boolean If set to True a NO_WORKPIECE exception is thrown when no part was detected after closing the gripper. If set, it requires the Digital Input - Gripped or Digital Input - Not Gripped pin to be defined or an ERROR_NO_PIN_DEFINED exception is thrown.
Outputs -

I/O Gripper - Control

Closes or opens the respective I/O gripper.

Name Data type Description
Inputs Gripper ID String The id defined in the Component Manager for the gripper.
Close Gripper Boolean True closes the gripper, false opens the gripper.
Detect Part Boolean If set to True a NO_WORKPIECE exception is thrown when no part was detected after opening / closing the gripper. If set, it requires the Digital Input - Gripped or Digital Input - Not Gripped pin to be defined or an ERROR_NO_PIN_DEFINED exception is thrown.
Outputs -

I/O Gripper - Off

Sets the defined control pins for Digital Output - Open and Digital Output - Close to low.

Name Data type Description
Inputs Gripper ID String The id defined in the Component Manager for the gripper.
Outputs -

I/O Gripper - Check Gripped

Checks the defined control pins for Digital Output - Gripped and Digital Output - Not Gripped.

Name Data type Description
Inputs Gripper ID String The id defined in the Component Manager for the gripper.
Outputs Part Detected Boolean True, if the gripper detected a part (the respective digital input(s) are set).
False otherwise.
If neither Digital Input - Gripped nor Digital Input - Not Gripped are defined a ERROR_NO_PIN_DEFINED exception is thrown.

I/O Gripper - Check Opened

Checks the defined control pin for Digital Output - Opened.

Name Data type Description
Inputs Gripper ID String The id defined in the Component Manager for the gripper.
Outputs Gripper Opened Boolean True, if the gripper is opened (the respective digital input is set).
False otherwise.
If the pin Digital Input - Opened is not defined a ERROR_NO_PIN_DEFINED exception is thrown.

I/O Gripper - Check Closed

Checks the defined control pin for Digital Output - Closed.

Name Data type Description
Inputs Gripper ID String The id defined in the Component Manager for the gripper.
Outputs Gripper Closed Boolean True, if the gripper is closed (the respective digital input is set).
False otherwise.
If the pin Digital Input - Closed is not defined a ERROR_NO_PIN_DEFINED exception is thrown.


All function blocks can throw the following exception in case errors occur:

  • ERROR_NO_DIGITAL_IO: The defined digital I/O pin is not valid.
  • ERROR_NO_DIGITAL_OUTPUT: The defined digital I/O pin is not a digital output.
  • ERROR_COMMUNICATION: The communication failed, when communicating with the robot controller to get or set the I/O.
  • ERROR_TIMEOUT: The operation took too long to get executed and timed out. The timeout duration can be configured in the Component Manager.
  • ERROR_NO_PIN_DEFINED: No pin was defined in the Component Manager for the respective operation.
  • ERROR_UNKNOWN_DEVICE: The stated Gripper ID to identify the gripper is not registered as gripper component.