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Release Notes: Studio 1.8.4

[1.8.4] - 2022-12-05


  • Enabled 'Set display title' FB in the IO-Wizard
  • Tabs in the 'Gripper' tab for all active grippers
  • Tabs in the Operator Cockpit 'Gripper' widget
  • Scenario Designer: Toggle button to show full list of frames added. Additional frames sorted alphabetically. For objects frames added possibility to show object_id as name if there's no display_title for an object.
  • Added toasts option for topic '/frontend_toast_message' were made
  • When connected to a Kebian OS device, 3 options are shown to: Restart, Shutdown and Export


  • Styles for small screens updated
  • Better updates of io display titles in the wizard
  • Font size increased in the modal window of the User Dialog function block
  • Function block development: All changes in translation fields are non breaking
  • Grid Manager: Uses Grid Manager services and only sets datastore entry as fallback option
  • Toast Messages: Possibility to display a message sender (if there's one) added


  • Missing translation and fixed copy/paste error
  • Breadcrumbs in Custom Wizard in Builder
  • Custom Wizard: If plugin doesn't exist fallback to showing param. Selecting to not use wizard now works correctly.
  • Custom Wizard: Tooltip
  • Styles for the help page on small screens
  • Operators with only one dashboard can now change size of panels
  • Datastore UI: Updating display title


  • Visualization for the simulator tab in the operator cockpit disabled