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Release Notes: Studio 1.12.0

[1.12.0] - 2024-11-05


  • User dialogs now support custom titles.
  • Added notification to inform users that installed programs require manual installation for updates.
  • Added a new Trajectory wizard guided tour step and small changes to the Trajectory wizard appearance.
  • Added real-world scenario importing end-to-end test.
  • Added new end-to-end tests.


  • Restricted initial ros logs to 100 and notifications to 20 with "Show more" button to extend the list by the same amount each click.
  • Execution Flow panel only scrolls on stop and on error (performance)
  • Pause/Resume Interface works now with every robot if interface is implemented /robot_pause and /robot_resume.
  • Disabling animations and transitions based on the device.
  • SingleIO view changed change detection strategy for less view rerenderings (performance)
  • Operator-Cockpit IO-Manager: Reduced group header layout checks (performance).
  • Not allowing to link children of lists anymore, when choosing linking source.


  • User info banner, If the connection to the robot system was established late.
  • Increased dialog close icon size for better usability on touch devices.
  • Datastore: Pose and Joints for small screens.
  • Quick Access Moves with multiple waypoints stopping before reaching the last waypoint.
  • User info banner, If the connection to the robot system was established late.


  • Camera calibration method where smart cameras are mounted on the robot flange.