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Installation of drag&bot Runtime


  • Industrial PC with Xubuntu 16.04.x version already installed.
  • Internet connection is configured including proxy configuration if necessary.
  • Administrator (sudo) rights of the computer.

Download and install

  1. Online access to the drag&bot Download Area will be provided with your purchase.
  2. Go to the site to download the latest drag&bot Runtime.
  3. Open the downloaded package by right clicking it and press Extract Here
  4. Open the extracted folder.
  5. Right click and select Open Terminal Here
  6. Now type ./ to install the drag&bot Runtime.
  7. Close the Terminal.
  8. Continue to license activation section.


Now you can start the drag&bot Runtime from your desktop by double clicking the shortcut icon. You can also start it by opening the terminal and executing dnb-runtime.

License activation

  1. Start the drag&bot Runtime.
  2. Type the licence number which was provided to you by E-Mail.
  3. Click on install.
  4. The installation will take between 5-10 minutes.
  5. After the installation is ready, drag&bot will start automatically.


  1. Follow the steps for downloading and installing from step 1 to 5.
  2. Now type ./ -r to reinstall the drag&bot Runtime.
  3. Close the Terminal.


  1. Follow the steps for downloading and installing from step 1 to 5.
  2. Now type ./ -u to uninstall the drag&bot Runtime.
  3. Close the Terminal.


Runtime Launcher Window


  • Start and stop the robot system runtime system for a robot cell.
  • Update the full runtime bundle package.
  • Update of the launcher itself for deployment of the bundle.
  • Rollback of updates
  • Open simple Runview for execution of drag&bot programs

The launcher GUI shown in the image above is a tool to start and stop the drag&bot runtime. The runtime is needed to execute drag&bot programs on a robot system. Every robot is controlled by a single runtime instance like shown in the architecture image below.

DNB and Runtime Architecture

One drag&bot Studio is connected to one or many runtime instances. This way it is possible to deploy the same program on several robotsystems.