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drag&bot Studio Configuration


  • Create a connection between drag&bot Studio and the drag&bot Runtime.
  • Add or modifiy active hardware and software components.

Create a Robot System connection

The first time you start drag&bot Studio you have to create a Robot System. The Robot System is a connection which leads to the network location of the installed drag&bot Runtime.


The drag&bot Runtime does not necessarily need to be on the same machine where you start the drag&bot Studio. We strongly recommend using both at the same machine for the beginning. This will lead to a less complex network setup in the first run.

Runtime on the same machine

  1. Create your first Robot System by clicking on Robot Systems in the Home page.
  2. Click on New Robot System Button to create a new Robot System.
  3. Enter a name of the Robot System e.g. Localsystem.
  4. Click on the Create button.

Runtime installed remotely

  1. Create your first Robot System by clicking on Robot Systems in the Home page.
  2. Click on New Robot System Button to create a new Robot System.
  3. Enter a name of the Robot System e.g. Localsystem.
  4. Enter the IP of the machine where the runtime is installed. The IP address need to be reachable from the computer where the browser is opened.
  5. Click on the Create button.


Make sure port 9091 on the remote machine is open and try to ping the remote IP.

Web browser settings: Allow insecure content

When working with the browser remotely from the machine where the drag&bot Runtime is installed or with the drag&bot Online Simulator, it is necessary to allow the insecure content so the browser can establish a connection.

Google Chrome
  1. In the Chrome Browser, click on the lock symbol > Site Settings Chrome connection settings context
  2. Scroll to Insecure Content and select Allow Insecure content setting
  3. Refresh the page Refresh Icon Chrome
  1. Open the browser and type into the URL: about:config Firefox about:config
  2. Accept the warning Firefox accept warning
  3. Search for websocket
  4. Set the parameter network.websocket.allowInsecureFromHTTPS to true Firefox Insecure Flag
  5. Restart the browser

Compose Robot System Hardware

In order to select the hardware and software components and configure them, drag&bot provides the Component-Manager. The Component-Manger provides a list of robots and devices e.g. cameras and grippers. These can be selected and installed if necessary. Then, the installed components can be configured through the Component-Manager View.

Add a robot to the Robot System

  1. Go to the created Robot System by clicking on Robot Systems in the Home page.
  2. Click on the Edit Edit Button Button next to the Robot System.
  3. Click on Open Component Manager Button.
  4. Select the robot you want to add from the dropdown list.
  5. Click on Update & Install.
  6. Change the configuration parameter if needed, e.g. IP address of the robot.
  7. The status of the component should switch to Running.

Test the robot functionality

  1. In the navigation click on the Operators Panel Icon and open the Operators Panel.
  2. By clicking on the arrows the robot should move in the indicated direction.


The Operators Panel is a central controlling station of single components of a robot. Inside the Operators Panel it is possible to control the robot motion, close and open the gripper and set the digital IOs of a robot, between other functionalities.